
Home / Partnership

Would you like to work with us?

Our company is constantly looking for other logistics operators with which to plan new business and strategies.

The Lucianu Group offers also the opportunity for qualified lorry owners, to tow their trailers. Once selected, the companies must ensure high quality, environmental and safety standards.

Company Details

Nuova Logistica Lucianu Srl, as owner (registered office in Olbia (OT), Via Uganda, 12, 07026; PEC: ; switchboard: 0789.5632.00 will process the personal data provided using mainly computer and data transmission methods, in order to manage your request for a partnership. The legal basis is the execution of a pre-contractual or contractual relationship activated at the request of the party concerned.
Mandatory or optional nature of the data provision: The provision of data in the fields marked with an asterisk is mandatory and failure to enter these does not allow you to continue with your application for a partnership. On the other hand, the release of data in the fields not marked with an asterisk, although it may be useful to facilitate relations with the company, is optional and failure to complete these does not affect the provision of the request for collaboration.

Data retention
The data will be processed for as long as necessary to manage the partnership request and subsequently cancelled after the legal terms of preservation.

Communication and Dissemination
The data will be processed exclusively by the staff and collaborators of Nuova Logistica Lucianu Srl and will not be disclosed to third parties or disseminated, except in cases specifically provided for by national or European Union law. For more information see the Privacy Policy
Policy Privacy
