Shipping privacy

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Nuova Logistica Lucianu Srl, with its registered office in Olbia, via Uganda 12-07026 Olbia (OT), VAT number 02344250903 (from now on “Data Controller”) as Data Controller, informs you in accordance to art. 14 EU Regulation n. 2016/679 (below “GDPR”) that your data are being processed through the following methods and for these purposes:

Nuova Logistica Lucianu Srl, Nuova Logistica Lucianu Srl, with its registered office in Olbia, via Uganda 12-07026 Olbia (OT), VAT number 02344250903 (from now on “Data Controller”) as Data Controller, informs you in accordance to art. 14 EU Regulation n. 2016/679 (below “GDPR”) that your data are being processed through the following methods and for these purposes: with its registered office in Olbia, via Uganda 12-07026 Olbia (OT), VAT number 02344250903 (from now on “Data Controller”) as Data Controller, informs you in accordance to art. 14 EU Regulation n. 2016/679 (below “GDPR”) that your data are being processed through the following methods and for these purposes:

  1. Subject to processing and origin of personal data
    Nuova Logistica Lucianu srl (from now on NLL, namely “Data Controller”), informs you that your data are processed in relation to existing legal relationships in order to operate the service of transportation requested. Data will be processed in compliance with GDPR. The aforementioned processing will happen in a lawful, in accordance with the principles of correctness and proportionality and, however, in accordance with the fundamental principles among which the relevance and non-excessiveness ones and, in general, with the rights and freedoms of the interested party. Further communications may be disclosed at a later date, even verbally.
  2. Purposes of processing and Legal basis of personal data
    The Data Controller processes identification personal data (for Identification: name, surname, business name, phone number, e-mail address, certified e-mail address, bank and payment details, tax code). In particular, these are data acquired in the context of the execution of the transportation contract via sender, that is voluntarily conferred by you for the provision of the transport service existing with NLLe, functional to provide the connected services in accordance to and by the effects of art. 6 letter b) of the GDPR. In relation to the personal data provided by the Sender about their employees, receivers or third parties in relation to shipping or else, the Sender claims and ensures to have respected - and undertakes to respect - all the laws, rules and applicable regulations related to data protection, even by acquiring the legal basis necessary to provide the aforementioned data to NLLe, for the processing of these data from NLL.
  3. Processing Methods
    The processing of your personal data is made by means of the operation indicated on art. 2 of the GDPR, and specifically data collection, recording, organisation, storage, access, elaboration, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, block, communication, deletion and destruction. NLL needs to collect and process, even via automation, your personal data, in respect of the fundamental rights and freedoms, with particular reference to the protection of the law on privacy. Your personal data are submitted to processing both in paper and by electronic/automated means. 

  4. Data storage methods
    The processing of your personal data will be carried out so as to ensure appropriate safety and confidentiality and to prevent not authorised access or use of personal data. Therefore, your personal data will be processed and stored in accordance with the principles of necessity, data minimisation and limitation of the retention period, through the adoption of technical and organisational measures appropriate to the risk level of the processing and for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed, in any case for the period of time required by law.
  5. Data communication
    Your data may be communicated for the aforementioned purposes to subjects with whom communication is necessary, functional and instrumental in achieving the aforementioned purposes. For these purposes, data may be communicated to qualified subjects operating for the Data Controller, as well as contractors or companies that carry out services on behalf of Nuova Logistica Lucianu srl, associations, self-employed persons and client companies. Such communication is a requirement for the execution of the transport service. Your data will not be released.
  6. Personal data transfer
    Your personal data are stored on servers located in the European Union. NLL, in the context of the performance of the transport service that you required, may transfer your personal information or third parts’ ones that you provided, in countries other than where it is originally collected. Such countries may have not got the same laws on data safety as the country in which you originally provided them. When the aforementioned personal information is transferred to other countries, NLL protects this information as described in this policy on Privacy and in accordance with applicable law.
  7. Nature of the provision of data and consequences of the refusal to respond
    We inform you that the provision to NLL of personal data is not required by law, but any refusal will not allow the provision of the service and of the activities connected to the execution of the service.
  8. Rights of the interested party
    As an interested party, you have the rights referred to in art. 15 GDPR and precisely rights to: 

    I) Obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of personal data concerning you, and their communication in intelligible form;

    II) Obtain the indication of:
    a. Source of personal data;
    b. Purposes and methods of processing;
    c) The approach applied in case of processing carried out with the assistance of electronic tools;
    d) The identification details of the Data Controller, the Responsible and the representative designated according to Art. 3 paragraph 1, GDPR;
    e) The subjects and categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may come to know them as representative designed within the Territory of the State, responsible or in charge.

    III) Obtain:
    a. The update, rectification or, whenever an interest is developed, the integration of the data;
    b. The deletion, transformation in anonymous form or the block of the data processed in violation of law, included those whose conservation is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which data have been collected or subsequently processed;
    c. The attestation that the operations referred to at letter a. and b. have been brought to attention also as regards their content, of those to whom data have been communicated or released, except the case in which this compliance proves to be impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared to the right to be protected;

    IV) Object, in whole or in part:
    a) The update, rectification or, whenever an interest is developed, the integration of the data;
    B. To the processing of the data which concern you for the purpose of sending advertising material or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial advertising through the use of automated calling system without human intervention via electronic mail and/or through traditional marketing, via telephone and/or ordinary mail. Please note that the right of opposition of the data subject, as set out in point b. above, extends from automated methods to traditional ones for direct marketing purposes, and that, however, it does not affect the possibility for the data subject to exercise their right to object, even in part. Therefore, the data subject can decide to receive only communications through traditional methods, automated ones or neither of the two types.

    Accordingly, they have the rights referred to in Articles 16-21 GDPR (Right of Reply, Right to Oblivion, Right to Restrict Processing, Right to Data Portability, Right to Object), as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

  9. How to exercise your rights
    You can exercise your rights at any time by sending: - a certified letter a.r. to the head office of the company located in via Uganda 12-07026 Olbia (OT), or by writing to the certified e-mail address 

  10. Data Controller
    The Data Controller is Nuova Logistica Lucianu srl, with registered office in via Uganda 12 -07026 Olbia (OT), VAT number 02344250903.